24 Mar 2020
Operational Update 24 March 2020

Dear parents and carers
Please find below important operational information for Darlington Point Public School.
Breakfast Club / Lunch Orders
Breakfast club will be closed until further notice. No lunch orders will be provided until further notice.
Learning From Home
Wednesday 25 March – Tuesday 31 March
From 9.30 a.m. tomorrow (Wednesday 25 March), take home learning packs (hard copies only) will be available for students in all grades K-6. These can be collected from the school office verandah from 9.30 a.m. onwards tomorrow. Online learning will be available as an option for Years 2-6 from next Wednesday.
As was announced by the NSW Government there will be one single unit of work available for students to ensure consistency in curriculum delivery. This means all students, both those that are at school and at home, will be covering the same learning activities.
These packs have been designed for 5 days of learning and can be returned on Wednesday 1 April to the school office verandah from 9.30 a.m.
Wednesday 1 April- Available from the School office verandah.
Infants students will be provided with a new take home learning pack. We will also be providing you with log on advice for some optional online learning activities with Reading Eggs, Mathletics, Prodigy, and PM Readers.
Year 3 – Year 6 students will have available a new take home learning pack to collect or alternatively will receive the content and work through google classrooms on their devices.
We are currently collating user guides (Students & Parents) for Google Classroom, the online platform we will be using. Many students in Yrs 3-6 have had some experience using this platform at school. The user guides will be available from the school and also emailed to parents’ email addresses we have on file and uploaded to the school website and Facebook page.
Students who do not have access to a portable device will be receiving the content to address the same learning outcomes as those students who may have access to a device.
We will be providing paper copies of all learning during this time.
Student Attendance Advice from the Department of Education
Why is there still an option to send students to school?
The NSW Government is taking additional measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 through the community. To do this, parents and carers are strongly encouraged to keep their children home if possible. Some people may not be in a position to provide supervision to their children at home. This could be because they are delivering frontline services to the community. It is therefore important supervision of their children is prioritised and provided by their school to ensure they can continue to carry out their work and support the continued function of society
Which students should still be attending their school?
Parents and carers are strongly encouraged to keep their children home if possible. Any student whose parents or carers are not able to appropriately supervise their children at home should continue to attend school
What age group does this cover?
The current changes apply to all students in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12.
What hours are schools remaining operational for those that require it?
Schools will continue to operate their regular hours.
When will schools resume normal operations?
Online learning will continue until the end of Term 1. A decision about whether schools will return to normal operations after the holidays will be taken in line with the latest advice from Government and we will keep the community informed
Thank you for your assistance in supporting learning activities with your children.
The school will keep you regularly updated through our website and Facebook on any changes to our operations and delivery of learning.
Kind Regards
Richard Busby
24 March 2020